Release 0.2.x
Release 0.2.4 (17/12/2016)
- fix some bugs
- supporting gtf and gff3 and remove
- change default theta1 as 3, meaning more flat prior.
Release 0.2.3 (04/11/2016)
- fix some bugs
- change default save_sample into 0
Release 0.2.2 (29/10/2016)
- fix some bugs
- simplify the arguments
- change default theta1 as 10
- change default save_sample (original sample_num) into 500
- keep transcript in diceseq results in the same order as in gtf file
- To get the same default as v0.2.1, please set
--mcmc 0 20000 1000 100 --thetas 3 None
Release 0.2.1 (16/06/2016)
- updated calculating TOTAL_COUNTS for pysam 0.90
- update documentary by adding more examples and tutorials
Release 0.2.0 (16/05/2016)
- fixed some bugs
- cleaned some codes
Release 0.1.x
Release 0.1.9 (29/01/2016)
- fixed some bugs
- tested the estimate of bias parameters and fragment length distribution
- introduced the parallel computation, new you can run it on multiple cores
- changed the format of output file for diceseq, which is easier to read
- introducted the auto detection of using single-end or paired-end reads
- removed the EM algorithm for buin-in, as we could easily use multiple cores to reduce running time
Release 0.1.7 (21/12/2015)
- largely improved for the case with multiple (more than 10) isoforms, and introduced EM algorithm for buin-in
- extended for python 3
- improved bias estimates
- not rely on h5py anymore, by design diceseq format for bias parameter and samples
- introduced an out_utils.py for downstream analysis of diceseq results
- fixed some bugs on paired-end reads matching and processing
- removed reads simulation, as it can be done by spanki
Release 0.1.6 (10/11/2015)
- slight change to be compatible with pysam 0.8.3
- change numpy.math.erf() to personally wroten erf(), as the former is not supported in numpy 1.8.2 and higher
- provide the option to not save the hdf5 copy
- remove dice-static for direct running
Release 0.1.0 (26/10/2015)
- probabilistic models
- finished dynamic model: estimate jointly
- dirrect running file
- diceseq: support separated and joint estimates
- dice-static: not suggested anymore.
- bug fixed
Release 0.0.x
Release 0.0.1 (01/09/2015)
first version of DICEseq
- utils objects or functions
- FastaFile: read and write fasta file
- BiasFile: read and write bias parameters
- ReadSet: get reads location index of genome region
- sam_utils: load and preprocess RNA-seq reads
- gtf_utils: load gtf file as list of Gene and Transcript objects
- TranUnits: processing at isoform level (or transcript level)
- TranSplice: processing on multiple isoforms (or gene level)
- probabilistic models
- static model: estimate indivually
- dynamic model: estimate jointly (under study)
- dirrect running file
- diceseq
- dice-static
- dice-count
- dice-simulate
- dice-bias
- dice-biasplot