============ Installation ============ Easy install ============ * Required packages in python: `numpy`, `matplotlib`, `pysam` * we suggest using Anaconda_ distribute, which includes most packages (except `pysam` here), and provides you a user specific environment, i.e., all your python packages go to a single folder. Thus, you don't need the root to install packages. * you could install `pysam` by pypi in terminal, or download_ and install as diceseq. .. _Anaconda: http://continuum.io/downloads .. _download: https://github.com/pysam-developers/pysam * You can install `DICEseq` simply via pypi in terminal (suggested), or upgrade by add ``--upgrade`` as follows: :: pip install diceseq pip install --upgrade --no-deps diceseq Source code =========== * Alternatively, you also could download the source code via GitHub (latest version, suggested) or Sourceforge (any version) and run python setup in terminal: * GitHub: https://github.com/huangyh09/diceseq * Sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/diceseq/ :: python setup.py install * In any case, if had the permission error for installation as you are not root, add ``--user``.