======== Examples ======== The demo file `demo.sh `_ and also the `data `_ are included in `github `_ diceseq demo ============ * Run diceseq for isoform proportions (add ``--add_premRNA`` if you want pre-mRNA as an extra transcript): * separated model :: anno_file=data/anno/yeast_RNA_splicing.gtf sam_dir=data/sam out_file=data/out/t1 sam_list=$sam_dir/reads_t1.sorted.bam diceseq -a $anno_file -s $sam_list -o $out_file --add_premRNA * joint model :: out_file=data/out/joint sam_list=$sam_dir/reads_t1.sorted.bam---$sam_dir/reads_t2.sorted.bam---$sam_dir/reads_t3.sorted.bam diceseq -a $anno_file -s $sam_list -o $out_file --add_premRNA dice-count demo =============== * Run dice-count for reads counts: * total count :: anno_file=data/anno/yeast_RNA_splicing.gtf sam_file=data/sam/reads_t3.sorted.bam out_file=data/out/t3_cnt1.txt dice-count -a $anno_file -s $sam_list -o $out_file * specific reads count, e.g., junctions (make sure it contains one intron only) :: out_file=data/out/t3_cnt2.txt dice-count -a $anno_file -s $sam_list -o $out_file --junction For more options, see the detailed usages page.